Santanu Das

Ph.D. Santanu Das

King’s College London
Department of English
London WC2R 2LS
United Kingdom

Position / Tätigkeit:

Reader in English Literature

Forschungs- und Interessengebiete:
  • First World War literature and culture
  • early twentieth-century British poetry and the short story
  • theories of body, gender, sexuality and affect
  • relationship between modernism and colonial/postcolonial cultures
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:

Touch and Intimacy in First World War Literature, Cambridge 2006

(ed.) Race, Empire and First World War Writing, Cambridge 2011

(ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Poetry of the First World War, Cambridge 2013

India, Empire and the First World War: Images, Objects and Words, Cambridge 2015 (forthcoming)